Woodcraft Rangers

Dear Beckford Charter Community,
Greetings from Woodcraft Rangers! We are absolutely thrilled to announce our collaboration with Beckford Charter Elementary School, ushering in a new era of exhilarating enrichment programs!
Our collaboration with Beckford Charter starts on October 16, 2023, and we are excited to serve the community. We’re excited to embark on this journey together, to learn and grow as a community. We value your trust in us and are dedicated to making this partnership a remarkable one.
Woodcraft Rangers has provided expanded learning programs and summer day camps for children and youth in Los Angeles County for 100 years! Woodcraft Rangers will be providing students with a variety of enrichment opportunities such as arts, sports/fitness, STEM, leadership, and outdoor education programming as a part of the after-school program.
As we have for the past 100 years, the WR team is ready to serve your student and school community and is committed to growing strong in service to you for the next century!
If interested, please pick up a registration form from the Beckford Charter Elementary main office as early as Monday, October 2nd. To learn more about the new program, please contact, Javier Gonzalez, Interim Senior Director of Programs at [email protected].
Blue Sky,
Julee Brooks
Chief Executive Officer
Chief Executive Officer