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BELL Fund Finalized results


Beckford's Annual BELL Fund Drive is here!  The BELL Fund is a "direct ask" donation program run by the Beckford PTA: families are asked to donate a certain amount per student, and 100% of the proceeds go toward direct funding of critical school needs. Contributions are tax deductible, and eliminates the need for sales-based fundraisers that only provide our school a small percentage of funds raised.
While the campaign is a year-long effort, during September 23 - October 4, the BELL Fund Drive encourages families to make their contributions so that funding for school resources can be put in place. Donate online by clicking on the "Donate" button in this webpage, with the option to set up monthly installment payments over the school year. 
Download the BELL Fund brochure for details on the different giving levels, basic Q&A, and a pledge form you may turn in to the school with your donation.
Please check with your workplace for company matching gifts; company matching gifts will boost your giving level! During the BELL Fund Drive weeks, classrooms with the highest percentage of participating students in contributing to the BELL Fund win an exclusive movie viewing and popcorn on campus (or equivalent reward). Any classroom at 100% participation will receive this reward. This year, winning classrooms will receive a visit from the BELL Fund prize cart. 
While any contribution level is welcome, participating students contributing $350 or more will receive an exclusive thank you gift, while students donating a minimum $50 will receive a token gift. These students will also be included in a “thank you” announcement on campus.
100% of your investment will go directly to pay for the following programs, among other programs and expenses (not a complete list):
  • Computer lab instruction ($56,500)
  • School equipment, including technology (copiers, projectors, laptops) (~$10,000)
  • P.E. supplement, aka Psychomotor ($25,920)
  • Field trip buses ($22,400)
  • Ballroom dance ($25,500)


Platinum $1,500 Frozen Fridays voucher set for each student, softcover Yearbooks for your children, $75 Beckford Bucks* and 1 week marquee announcement for each student.

Gold $1,000 Frozen Fridays voucher set for each student, one softcover Yearbook for the family, $50 Beckford Bucks* and 1 week marquee announcement for each student.

Silver $850 One Frozen Fridays voucher set for the family, one softcover Yearbook, and $25 Beckford Bucks*.

Bronze $700 $20 Beckford Bucks*.

Beckford Buddy $350 (per child) This equates to $35 per month per child. If every family donated this amount, we wouldn’t need any additional fundraisers for the school year. (Special campaign gift)

Other Donate whatever fits your family budget. Every child who participates with a minimum $50 donation will receive a token gift while supplies last.

Please make a donation that is meaningful to you and your family.

How to make a payment? Complete the Pledge Form and return it to your child’s classroom, or to the school office, along with your payment. Monthly installments are available via PayPal.

* Beckford Bucks can be used to purchase items from Beckford PTA, including Family Fun Day tickets, Beckford Wear, Paw Prints, and Yearbooks. They cannot be used to purchase items from after school sales or fundraising activities.


Question – What is the BELL Fund?
Answer – The BELL Fund is Beckford PTA’s Direct Donation Appeal. 100% of your tax-deductible donation is kept here at Beckford. Examples of major items paid out of this fund are the Computer Lab Instructor, PE Program and Field Trip Transportation. (Please refer to the additional list of items contained in this tri-fold or ask to see the PTA’s Budget for more details.)

Question – Since we’re an Affiliated Charter, don’t we have plenty of money?
Answer – The answer is NO. Actually, the BELL Fund is more important than ever to help fund the educational components that are contained within our Charter Plan.

Question – Is a payment plan available?
Answer – YES! Monthly payment plans are available. We just ask that you complete your pledge by the end of April.

Question – I can’t afford the suggested donation amount but I want to do something. What can I do?
Answer – The $350 per child is simply a suggested donation amount. If this does not fit within your budget, we ask that you donate whatever you can afford. Making any size donation helps! We are striving for 100% participation. On the flip side, if you can give more, we ask that you do. ALSO, why not ask your relatives and/ or friends to donate. Instead of selling them a box of chocolate, ask them to support your child’s school with a donation that fits their budget. Added bonus: the donation is TAX DEDUCTIBLE! 

Question – Should I ask my company for support?
Answer – YES. Many companies offer matching grant programs but do not advertise this benefit. There is no harm in asking to see if this is available!

Question – What are Beckford Bucks?
Answer – Beckford Bucks can be used to purchase items from the Beckford PTA, including Family Fun Day Wristbands, Beckford Wear, Paw Prints, and Yearbooks. They cannot be used to purchase items from after school sales.

click to donate to
the BELL Fund
Donors may also
ZELLE donations to: [email protected]
Please put in the comment:
BELL FUND, student name, room number
NOTE: California law and District policies require that the donations and any fundraising used to fund school-related activities be truly voluntary. No student will be excluded from participating in any school-related activities because the student or their parents has not made a donation or participated in fundraising activities. Any suggested donation amount is also voluntary. If you choose to donate, you can make it any amount you deem appropriate. No donations will be returned to you if your child decides or is unable to participate in the program to which you donated.