Spirit Day - Valentine's Day

Spirit Day - Valentine's Day

Spirit Days for 2024-2025 (Updated 1/113/2025)

FRI, SEP 13 - Super Hero Day

WED, OCT 9 - Workout Wear Day

WED, OCT 18 - Harry Potter Day (Extra Spirit)

THU, OCT 31 - Halloween Spirit Shirt Day (NO costumes)

FRI, NOV 8 - Pajama Day

FRI, NOV 22 - Tie Dye Day!!

FRI, DEC 13 - Ugly Sweater Day

FRI, JAN 10 - Favorite Sports Team Day (School Closure)

FRI, JAN 31 - Twin/Multiple Day
FRI, JAN 31 - Twin/Multiple Day

TUE, FEB 4 - extraSPIRT - 100th Day of School

FRI, JAN 10 - Favorite Sports Team Day (Rescheduled from JAN10)

FRI, FEB 14 - Valentine's Day

FRI, FEB 21 - Kindness Week - Wear Yellow Day

FRI, MAR 14 - Disney Day

MON, MAR 17 - St. Patrick's Day

FRI, APR11 - Crazy Hair/Hat Day

FRI, MAY 2 - Star Wars Day
     (May the 4th... I mean, 2nd be with you)

TUE, JUN 10 - Hawaiian Day!

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